Tuesday, September 7, 2010

To win just once....

2010 Ladies Junior B Gaelic Football North American Champions!!!!

We did it! We took home the cup!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The last hurrahs of summer

Last night, FB & I meet up with the boat trip group. We are renting a houseboat in Kentucky in mid-September with 10 other people. It will be the last vacation of the summer, even though in my mind summer is over after Labor Day. I've only previously met 3 of the 10, but it seems like a good mix.

This weekend I'm heading to Chicago to spend the weekend here:http://www.chicagogaelicpark.org/. It's the annual Gaelic Football Finals and I'm really looking forward to it. I think we have a good team this year and a good chance of making it all the way.

Also starting this weekend....College Football! A true sign that summer is over. I sure love the fall, but dread the cold that is soon to come!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ithaca, Part III

Slowly trying to get caught up here. It's been a busy week! On my last day in Ithaca we started off with a walk in the woods with Jada.
Then we went into Ithaca and walked around the commons before lunch at the Moosewood. We shared an awesome brownie with ice cream for dessert. Then we headed up to Cornell and walked around the campus a bit.