Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lists: Gym Bag

I like lists. Sometimes if I don't like my handwriting, I have to start all over again. Anyway, part of what helps to get me to the gym in the morning is having my gym bag packed the night before and my workout clothes put out.
Here are the staples of what I keep in my gym bag ( it sometime changes based on what type of workout I might be doing):

-flip flops
-shower kit - shampoo, conditioner, face wash
-extra socks

What's in your gym bag?


  1. If I ever motivate myself to work out, I'll get back with you on the gym bag contents :)

    Looks like you're prepared though, which is great!

  2. I just did a post on what's in my purse! This always tells so much about the person The fact that you have a gym bag says a lot! ha ha. Great post.

    p.s. don't forget to enter my Peruvian Feather Earring GIVEAWAY at

